CVCUDA Installation references

cvcuda documentation

cvcuda github repo

Run samples in docker

1. Download and install cvcuda samples from CVCUDA release. The release files are all based on cuda 12.

# download
mkdir -p ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
curl -L -o cvcuda-samples-0.3.1_beta-cuda12-x86_64-linux.deb
# install
dpkg -i cvcuda-samples-0.3.1_beta-cuda12-x86_64-linux.deb

2. Run the docker, this image comes with python 3.8:

# link the sample folder
docker run -it --gpus=all -v  /opt/nvidia/cvcuda0/samples:/samples

Tip: Find the desired base docker image with TenserRT and cuda 12 from tensorrt container release notes page.

3. Ensure the scripts are executable: (From step 3 to 6, the cmd are run in the docker container.)

# copy the samples into the user folder.
cp -rf /opt/nvidia/cvcuda*/samples ~/
cd ~/samples
chmod a+x scripts/*.sh
chmod a+x scripts/*.py

4. Install sample dependencies:

Basically, step by step run the script in ./scripts/ with the following modification:

a) pip3 package versions

# Install torch and torchvision for cuda12:
pip3 install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
# Install pycuda with auto version (latest version installed: 2022.2.2):
pip3 install av==10.0.0 pycuda nvtx==0.2.5
# Install onnx
pip3 install onnx

In script, we can do the following (replacing line 55):

sed -i -e '55s+.*+pip3 install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url\npip3 install av==10.0.0 pycuda nvtx==0.2.5\npip3 install onnx\n+' scripts/

b) Refine exporting PATH: replace echo “export PATH=$PATH:" with "export PATH=\${PATH}:"

sudo sed -i -e 's+$PATH+\\${PATH}+' scripts/

c) Edit for torchnvjpeg to specify std:c++17 as the compiler to be compatible with pytorch.

sudo sed -i -e 's/std=c++14/std=c++17/' torchnvjpeg/

5. Install the CV-CUDA packages in the docker.

# download
mkdir -p /tmp
cd /tmp
curl -L -o nvcv-dev-0.3.1_beta-cuda12-x86_64-linux.deb

curl -L -o nvcv-lib-0.3.1_beta-cuda12-x86_64-linux.deb

curl -L -o nvcv-python3.8-0.3.1_beta-cuda12-x86_64-linux.deb

# install
dpkg -i nvcv-lib-0.3.1_beta-cuda12-x86_64-linux.deb
dpkg -i nvcv-dev-0.3.1_beta-cuda12-x86_64-linux.deb
dpkg -i nvcv-python3.8-0.3.1_beta-cuda12-x86_64-linux.deb

6. Build and run the samples:

cd ~/samples 

7. Check the sample run results in the local terminal outside the docker:

# Check the running docker containers and get the container id of the sample run:
docker ps
# copy the output file to local machine (example below):
docker cp <container_id>:/tmp/out_Weimaraner.jpg ~/out_Weimaraner.jpg

Run segmentation triton sample

Triton server docker run the segmentation on triton example with corrections.

Set up triton server

1. Find the right tritonserver release docker image that matches our devbox setup (release note, tags)

I’ll go with image 23.02-py3.

Install the libs first as in the last section.

2. Start the triton server docker with the cvcuda mounted:

docker run --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 -p 8000:8000 -p 8001:8001 -p 8002:8002 --ulimit stack=67108864 -ti --gpus=all -v /opt/nvidia/cvcuda0:/cvcuda -w /cvcuda

3. Install dependencies on the triton server docker:

cd /cvcuda/samples/scripts

# copy the following code into the

The code to be copied:

mkdir -p ~/samples
cd /cvcuda
cp -r samples/. ~/samples

cd ~/samples
chmod a+x scripts/*.sh
chmod a+x scripts/*.py

sed -i -e '55s+.*+pip3 install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url\npip3 install av==10.0.0 pycuda nvtx==0.2.5\npip3 install onnx\n+' scripts/

sed -i -e 's+$PATH+\\${PATH}+' scripts/

# add new line after torchnvjpeg repo is downloaded
sed -i "$(grep -n 'scripts/' -e 'cd torchnvjpeg' | head -1 | cut -f1 -d:)ised -i -e 's/std=c++14/std=c++17/' torchnvjpeg/" scripts/

# install dependencies. (Q: How to skip user ENTER while running the script?)

Install dependencies:


4. Install cmake that meets the version requirement into /usr/local/bin which comes before /usr/bin in system PATH where the existing cmake is.

cmake --version
which cmake

cd /opt
curl -L --output
chmod a+x
bash /opt/

ln -s /opt/cmake-3.26.5-linux-x86_64/bin/* /usr/local/bin

# export CMAKE_ROOT=/opt/cmake-3.26.5-linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.26
# Remember to refresh after new cmake is installed
hash -r

cmake --version 

5. Build the samples

cd ~/samples
cp ./scripts/ ./scripts/
sed -i -e 's+cmake ..+cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/cvcuda/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake+' scripts/

6. Start the triton server:

# Add the lib path to the
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/cvcuda/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

# To resolve "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cvcuda'"
# option 1: go to the folder where the is installed
cd /cvcuda/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/python

# option 2: create symlink in one of the default sys.path
ln -s /cvcuda/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/python/* /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages

# Start the triton server
tritonserver --model-repository ~/samples/segmentation_triton/python/models 
Set up triton client

1. Start docker to run triton client:

docker run -ti --net host --gpus=all -v /opt/nvidia/cvcuda0:/cvcuda -w /cvcuda /bin/bash

2. Install dependencies into the client docker run:

cd /cvcuda/samples/scripts

3. Run the segmentation on folder containing images:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/cvcuda/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

# option 1. hack python sys.path to include the lib folder
sed -i -e "s+import cvcuda+sys.path.append('/cvcuda/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/python')\nimport cvcuda+" ~/samples/segmentation_triton/python/

# option 2. create symlink (Q: How default sys.path is set?)
ln -s /cvcuda/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/python/* /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages

python3 ~/samples/segmentation_triton/python/ -i ~/samples/assets/images -b 2

# check the results
ls /tmp