
General Information

Full Name Haiting Lin
Location San Jose, CA
Contact halin(at)
Languages English, Chinese


  • 2013
    National University of Singapore
    • Dissertation: A new in-camera color imaging model for computer vision
    • Advisor: Prof. Michael S. Brown
    • Area of study: Radiometric calibration and color processing
    • GPA: 4.38/5.0
  • 2008
    Computer Science Diploma
    Computer and information science, Renmin University of China
    • Research topic: image to image searching
    • GPA: 3.79/4.0

Academic Interests

  • High performance computation
    • Computation optimization with limited computation and memory resources.
    • GPU and parallel computing.
  • Problem modeling and machine learning
    • leverage mathematical modeling of the problem to gain efficient, high quality, and theoretically sound learning solutions.


  • 2017 - now
    Compter Scientist
    Adobe - Photoshop, San Jose, CA
    • Advanced solution exploration and integration.
  • 2016 - 2017
    Principal Scientist
    JJK holdings, LLC, CA
    • Multi-view 3D reconstruction and virtual reality solutions.
  • 2013 - 2016
    Postdoctoral Scholor
    Computer & Information Sciences, College of Engineering, University of Delaware.
    • Light field ray geometry.
  • 2013
    Project Officer
    School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    • Computer tool user action tracking and analysis for education.
  • 2012
    Research Assistant
    School of Computing, National University of Singapore


  • Professional areas
    • Computer vision (3D reconstruction), computational photography, image processing and information theory, graphics and rendering
  • Programming
    • High performance c/c++, parellel programming (Halide etc.)
    • GPU programming, shading language (Metal, openGL, Vulkan, Cuda)
    • Cross-platform programming (c/c++, Halide, python)
    • Development on iOS, Android, desktop applications.

Honors and Awards

  • 2016
    • Best student paper, Electronic Imaging Symposium
  • 2008 - 2012
    • Research scholarship, National University of Singapore
  • 2004 - 2008
    • Excellent student scholarship, Renmin University of China
  • 2006
    • Bronze medal, The ACM Asia Programming Contest